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Webinar on COVID19 Lockdown and times ahead- strategy for a Private Security

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Welcome Address by

Maj Gen Sanjay Soi

Executive Chairman, ICISSM

Gen Sanjay Soi.jpg

Good evening everyone and Jai Hind!

Thank you all for joining us today from literally all parts of country for the webinar on COVID 19 – LOCK DOWN AND TIMES AHEAD - STRATEGY FOR PRIVATE SECURITY. I would like to extend my humble appreciation to Col Sanjay Srivastava and Capt SB Tyagi for making the webinar possible.


The impact of the lock down and covid 19 is being felt across all sectors of economy, including private security. To collectively brainstorm on what awaits and identify workable solutions is definitely the need of the hour.


As humans, we have always considered ourselves invincible. We hoisted flag on the moon, landed on Mars, and achieved several such feats which were impossible to imagine. The changes in world turned fast paced in our life time itself. Several inventions in mode of transportation, communication, life style, medical science and many other fields have taken place.  However a small invisible virus has brought the world to its knees.


The life is not going to be the same as we know it. It is a moment that will redefine our ways of life, our priorities, and might even lead to the emergence of a completely new system down the line. The present crisis knows no boundaries, race, religion or financial well being.


In fact, it is impacting all facets of life, be it economic, social or political and at individual level spiritual, mental and physical. How we live our lives, how we socialize, how we work and how the business is going to change. We’ll leave it to you to figure out the first two but in terms of how we work and how business changes around the world and how it is going to impact us, is what we will discuss today.

Over the coming weeks, consumption will collapse, as will confidence. The hospitality sector, airlines and travel sector are worst hit. Real estate sector is already suffering, oil is at all-time low.  Share markets are down worldwide. Loan defaults would be there. As a result banking sector would be hit.

Broadly speaking, the economy is slowing down drastically. 


This will have direct impact on Private Security environment.


Let us see the present situation.  The Lock down has been announce till 14 Apr however as the things are unfolding and with the experience of other countries, we can well expect it to extend. The police force is totally committed.  Large number of migrant labor has gone back to villages.  That means less number of working hands. Supplies are gradually depleting.  Law and order situation may worsen.  However, at the same time challenges have resulted in number of innovations and inventions.  World is now looking at India as alternative to China and we may well have manifold increase in investment in times to come.

As far as we the private security providers are concerned the challenges have increased. There are large number of absentees of guards as well as staff due to lock down.  Besides guarding, they are also ensuring lockdown within societies, social distances, well being of elderly, use of safety kits – masks, taking temperatures etc and ensuring selective entry of people like health workers, people supplying essentials, coordinate with police etc. There may be situation as mentioned earlier of enhanced threat to locality or installation due to deteriorating law and order situation and lack of police force.

These are some of the things these people may not have done earlier and ultimately execution is by the last man in the chain that is guard only. We need to however take these things in a positive manner and being professional we have to be dynamic and proactive. Let our drills be modified as per circumstances, make use of technology. I was discussing with Col Srivastava and he brought out that Drones are being used for monitoring law and order as well assist in diagnosis of COVID 19. We need to remain alive to situation and create suitable opportunities for the us and industry. 


Thank you Jai Hind Jai Bharat

Address by

Col Sanjay Srivastava

Chairman, Climate Resilient Observing - Systems Promotion Council (CROPC)


COVID19 is a new pandemic cum disaster which has enforced complete lockdown in India. The Private Security Services has new challenge to deliver services and at the same time fulfill the new demand to deliver essential services like security, cash management services to ATMs, guarding lock down assets. The Private security being man power intensive, the big challenges in times of complete lock-down they face are regarding retention of manpower, ensuring safety of its guards and services and financial commitments like timely salary to staff shall be challenge.


To ensure business continuity, additional measures like creation of IT and technology based operation and monitoring systems have to be adopted. Innovations are demand and it is the order of the day – these needs to be thought of and new ways and means have to be adopted.


The Central Association of Private Security Agencies (CAPSI) should approach Government to -


              (a) Declare Private Security as essential services

              (b) Give financial increments in terms of cash loan, waiver on tax etc.


The lock-down situation offers new opportunity for business. These are required to be identifies and grabbed like –


  • Factories are locked – yet they will need guarding and keeping their assets safe, operational and maintained

  • COVID hospitals are being made. They need guarding and delivery of essential services

  • Supply chain and courier services are locked down. This is opportunity for private Security.

  • Supply of ration, footstock to Government agencies

  • Private security can function as link between RWA/Apartments vis-a-vis their market needs and medical services requirements

  • Uses of Drone in surveillance, spraying insecticide, creating public awareness are such varied and innovative businesses available now


Corona lockdown is likely to continue beyond 21 days. Most the countries have been continuing this for 3 months. The approach has been Lockdown- short relief- lockdown. This is likely in India too. Private Security industry should accordingly plan their business and not only ensure business continuity but also grab new opportunities.

Vote of Thanks by

Col DR Semwal, COAS CC***

Executive President, ICISSM


Not only the service providers i.e. the private security agencies but also the End Users need to show concern for safety, food, transportation and welfare of security staff working in present difficult time.

The Security Managers need to learn to manage with reduced security staff to optimize man power and resources. Consider this as the best security audits they will ever face and see if they were working with the inflated workforce? If they can perform with the reduced manpower in most challenging times, they can very well continue with the same manpower in the normal times.

The security managers need to device methods to meet the challenges of physical security of premises, establishments with limited security staff when in such times the threats dependent on criticality, vulnerability and provability increases manifolds yet availability of the security personnel drastically reduces.

It goes without saying that if training has been good, well analyzed  SOP are in practice and well-rehearsed drills are regular then it will be easy for security professionals to sail thru this difficult phase. Good professional training is very important!

The likely economic slowdown will impact security sector very harshly, therefor security sector will have to find new dimensions of operation in order to remain in business.

Don’t panic! Have patience, as time passes, solution will be found for every problem. Follow directions, instructions of Governments – central and states, local authorities and ensure compliance by your staff.

For entire Webinar video, click on above box

Situational Assessment by 

Murali Soundar,

Strategic Risk Consultant


We are required to discuss potential and impending business issues that need to be addressed immediately by Businesses / Corporates so as to mitigate serious negative outcomes of Covid-19. These issues will naturally impact all support functions including Security and Security service providers.


  1. Decline in sales

  2. lesser receivables

  3. Accumulating inventory

  4. Production stoppage

  5. Cash flow impact

From a job perspective, the predicted impact of Covid 19 including on Security profession would be:

1) Full time job will reduce and gig economy will see mainstream adoption.

It is very clear that jobs that will not add value to any business will quickly perish. Paper pushers and coordinators will reduce dramatically and so will be the high salaried jobs that do not justify their cost. In turn, companies will move more to hire freelancers and contractual workforce to carry out more and more jobs they need. Companies will look for reducing their fixed overheads and find ways to outsource everything except the absolute core jobs with a direct impact on the organization’s IP.


2) Remote and digital working will be the new norm

Mass remote working for prolonged times will make people more mature in remote working. It will also change the behaviour of people and expectations from companies. Technology will improve significantly to provide not only remote working with great experience but also remote schooling. Homes will start having a home office to qualify for jobs in the future. Everything digital will replace almost everything that needs physical to connect to remote connections. Social distancing currently being enforced will make an impact on social behaviour and work culture that more people will work remotely. More new Companies on the likes of ‘Cross over for work’ will emerge.


3) Salaries will become unfixed

The obvious reaction to a financial crisis is cutting costs. Companies will not be able to shoulder the burden of taking care of employees beyond their means. With the rapid growth and rising costs, more and more companies have been living on very low margins or perpetual losses and in changing times, funding will be hugely challenged. In such a scenario, companies will look at adding variable salaries to a clause that will take care of sudden cuts that may be needed for the companies to survive or sail through any such tough times.


4) Value perception will increase

Job titles will quickly meltdown and real value will be demanded at every level. There will be clearly three values that companies will determine before creating a job; Accountability to increase revenue; Accountability to optimize costs; Accountability to provide value-added regulation and governance. The salary correction will happen across the spectrum. It is not what one expects, but what the market can afford for months or maybe a few years to come.


5) New jobs of different kinds will be created

Crisis situations take away millions of jobs, but new ones get created soon. With COVID19, Healthcare and wellness sector will get a tremendous boost and create more jobs. Digital economy will get a major boost and create more jobs for technology professionals. A major change that will start happening is ‘localization’. With reduced travel and possibilities of reduced global trade, local economies will re-emerge and start creating small job opportunities that were destroyed by rapid and massive globalization.


6) Asian economies outside China will see an increase in manufacturing jobs

It is likely that countries will start looking at each other more suspiciously after the COVID19 breakout and start investing and building local manufacturing capabilities with lower cost and better efficiency. Manufacturing will start moving to South Asian countries out of China and will create more related jobs in those geographies. India would be a great beneficiary if the opportunity is well exploited. Many research reports including the UN have suggested China & India would the only two economies that would manage the recession successfully. Supply chain risk management will undergo a major change across the globe.


7) Fitment will overrule qualifications

With the changing needs of businesses on who they need to hire, increased focus will be to hire people with the right attitude who can learn any new skills faster than others. Degrees and qualifications will not matter as much as they did earlier. People will learn quickly to fit into new jobs and start in new jobs afresh instead of banking on their degrees & prior experience for too long.


8) Re-skilling and e-learning adoption will emerge even faster

The ability to learn any new skills quickly will be an added advantage for any job seekers as almost every business will need to pivot in some way or the other to adjust to the new emerging trends & global forces. Even the employers will be more willing to invest in helping their current workforce learn new skills rather than investing more in creating & hiring for full-time jobs that carry the risk of getting redundant again with the emergence of new needs & technologies. Hence, quick reskilling & up-skilling will be another new norm, that will in-turn enhance the rapid adoption of e-learning tools & platforms. Multi-tasking and the need for Security professionals to learn new skills in other areas of risk management (Cyber security, Fraud risks, BCP, financial risk management & enterprise risk management) would be the new norm for job-proofing.


9) Fresh graduates will be expected to learn by themselves and come prepared, ready to deploy.

Fresh graduates expecting lengthy training and getting paid during the period will fade away faster than expected. Fresh graduates will now make themselves ready for the job outside the system if they have to contest for a new job. The fresh graduates can also expect additional competition from the lateral and experienced people who will now be looking for new jobs and even ready to accept lower salaries. People will not leave hope and continue trying new ventures. Small ventures will continue to be attempted under changed scenario and create new jobs. Finally, the will power of people will win over all the negativity and help the economy come on tracks faster than before. A lot of new entrepreneurs & micro-entrepreneurs will rise, given this COVID19 crisis shall level the playing field in many ways, with every business & industry having to practically reboot fully or for a large part of their business from the ground up.

Presentation by

Capt SB Tyagi, COAS CC**

Chief Councillor, ICISSM


The industrial security management has never witnessed such situation where no past experience or the templates are available which could be used. Many industries increased the security manpower, whereas equal number of organisations minimised their security workforce.


Boom time or gloom time, need of security goes up! As long wealth creation is not made illegal, more and more security is needed in the society as those riches accumulated need good securing. When times are bad, social norms and discipline are slack and wen anarchy prevails, the need for efficient security goes up and every one rich and not so rich needs the security for family and him. It is therefore Effective Security is for all the reasons and all the seasons.


This lockdown offers Challenges as well as opportunities: Challenges for mediocre performer to remain relevant and up to the expectations or else they will perish in the changing work environment. Those who take this period as opportunity will see their reasons to diversify and secure new arenas. For them it is the moment of glory and opportunity to consolidate their niche creation. The drones are needed to perform more diverse function such as use of thermal cameras, area sanitization, que control and delivery of medicines and food. Similarly security personnel will be needed to operate drones and robots in the quarantine areas. They need to quickly learn new skills. 


Challenge to continue with reduced Manpower: The Security Chiefs will need to do lot of balancing. There is reduced manpower and heightened security. Threats are increasing yet manpower is decreasing. Failures will not be forgiven and forgotten. Yet, against all odds, if he is able to successfully manage with reduced manpower, he will be compelled to downsize his security force in normal times since this lockdown period will be referred as benchmark. Thus the security chief need to keep record of threats with which he operated with reduced manpower during the lockdown period and present it to the management if it is will to continue take those risks during normal times also.


Opportunity to learn new skills: The security chief most certainly needs to learn new skills such as CCTV Audits, Risk Assessments, flying the drones, handling the robots and remote supervision and communication with his team and Top Management. Failure to learn some technical aspects of the production, operation, maintenance related to his industry will ensure career enrichment and failure will ensure perish.  


Business Continuity Plan: Prove your importance: in all Business Continuity plans, security department have very important role to play. Security team is called up on to do area cordoning, traffic management for men and vehicle, management of Emergency Assembly Areas, gate controls and also increase the security presence. The security department does all these activities in tandem with all other department who have their roles cut-out for various activities and is available with their full team. However in case of lockdown many department personnel may not be available and yet industry specific emergencies need to be addressed. When in such scenario, BCP is activated, it will be security team which will be expected to do many other duties which are not in their job description and job specifications.


They might be asked to activate Emergency Shut Down of power plant – highly technical yet required to be undertaken in emergency. Similarly, security team need to respond to medical emergency till expert team arrives. As such, in given scenarios the security team must learn such duties enumerated in BCP and must be ready to undertake those responsibilities when due to lockdown and quarantine, the expert team is not available.

Integrate new security systems and gadgets: How to work from Home: In present dispensation, the physical security comprises more than 60 % of the total Industrial Security Management. This is workforce intensive function and after certain stage, reduction of security personnel is not possible or else it will start harming the security preparedness. However security gadgets and systems make supervision and situational awareness of Top Management easy and helpful in making critical decisions. The Internet of Things (IoTs) and Wearable Security Gadgets become very handy. Remote CCTV Monitoring, Guard Tour Management System, Remote Drone Monitoring, Asset Identification & Tracking etc. are such systems which are found to be handy in such situation and offer very trustworthy and effect control and monitoring tools to the security chiefs.


CAPSI to see that as in case of fire & Safety, security is automatically included in ESMA: there seems to be big confusion about security and protection services in India in case of internal emergency. The Lockdown condition has thrown up few questions which need to be answered. Do we need security services to continue during lock down period? Do we consider it as essential service? If answer is yes, then why it is not included in Essential Service Maintenance Act (ESMA)? Even during election time, which is regular and routine electoral exercise, the police is over committed to such an extent that there is no manpower to secure even the police armoury and police stations. Deployment of private security personnel is quite normal in many states across the country.  The private security is regularly utilized in traffic management.


So, important point emerges out that private security has potential pivotal role to play in case of emergency such as lockdown. Their role of continued deployment in the engaging industry in any case required and withdrawal of their services will cause great harm not only to the principle employer but May also cause disruption in supply chain - may be with immediate affect or post lockdown period. It is therefore felt that security services must be pre-included in the list under ESMA as essential service at par with medical, health and firefighting services. The CAPSI needs to contact the government authorities for this purpose as they are best aware of the confusion and shemozzle created when ESMA was invoked by many states in which initially security services were not included.


Long-drawn Lockdown: The Private Security Agencies (PSIs), the End Users and System Integrators and System Maintenance Agencies have done tremendously good job, they have risen to the occasion and delivered their services in most difficult times. There are good stories coming out. There is a lot to be positive about, with regards to serving customers and people, helping others and recognising the good work that is done by them. This however need to be understood and appreciated that the lockdown is not for just twenty one days. The way scenes are unfolding in the different parts of the world and in India, containing the Covid19 virus is long drawn process and chances of Second Wave can not be ruled out.

Stay locked, stay happy and stay Safe!

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